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Stream Accounting API


  • Streams move value every second, but accounting tools usually record value transfer on a non-real-time basis (typically monthly).
  • The Stream Accounting API represents streams in a format consumable by traditional accounting tools.


  • The Stream Accounting API is RESTful and exposes an endpoint for fetching stream data across all Superfluid tokens and networks.
  • It allows chopping up the amounts an address has been streaming into accounting periods of your choice (monthly, daily, even hourly).

Token Pricing

  • Price information for each period is available if the token has Coingecko tracking.
  • You can select price granularity to get average prices over a timeframe or instantaneous prices for each period.

Accommodating Flow Rate Updates

  • The API accommodates changes in stream flow rates, segmenting data into separate periods for each flow rate.

Outgoing & Incoming

  • Accounts for both outgoing and incoming streams, denoting incoming streams with positive values and outbound streams with negative values.

All Networks and All Tokens


  • Alice pays Bob in a stream of 0.1 ETHx per month.

Alice pays Bob

  • Fetch accounting info for Alice's stream from June 1st to September 15th.

Accounting Info for June 1st to September 15th

  • Stream Accounting API provides data for the requested months.

Stream Accounting API Data

  • If Alice updates her stream to 0.2 ETHx/month on September 15th.

Stream Update to 0.2 ETHx

  • Request accounting info from June 1st to December 1st.

Accounting Info from June 1st to December 1st

  • API provides data for the updated period.

API Data for Updated Period

Setting up the Stream Accounting API

The Stream Accounting API is a robust tool for integrating real-time streaming data into your traditional accounting systems. Whether you're tracking incoming or outgoing streams, dealing with various tokens, or managing complex stream adjustments, the API provides the flexibility and precision required for accurate financial reporting.

You will find below a link to a full guide on how to set up a Stream Accounting API Automation.