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Superfluid Protocol brings innovative solutions to the DeFi space, allowing for novel applications in financial management and transactions.

Dollar-Cost Averaging

Superfluid's automation capabilities extend to the development of recurring investment applications. These applications can stream funds towards investments, providing a hands-off approach to dollar-cost averaging (DCA).

  • Example: Ricochet Exchange demonstrates an application of this concept, where users can automate their investment strategies.

Automated Savings

Using Superfluid, individuals and organizations can automate their savings or investment allocations. This setup enables a continuous, hassle-free process, effectively creating a "streaming portfolio".

  • Example: This approach can be used to allocate funds into various investments, like yield-bearing assets or cryptocurrencies such as Ethereum and Bitcoin. Further details can be found in this article on real-time investing.

Undercollateralized Lending

Superfluid facilitates undercollateralized lending based on income streams. This system allows businesses or individuals with consistent revenue streams to secure loans without traditional collateral.

  • Process: A lending contract gains control over a salary or revenue stream, enabling borrowing against future income.
  • Example: Explore the Employment Based Loan for a practical implementation. Additionally, this video provides a technical breakdown.

Lending in Streams

Superfluid introduces a new paradigm in on-chain lending, where loan repayments and borrowings are handled through continuous streams rather than lump-sum transactions.

  • Benefit: This system allows for automated, on-chain loan repayments and gradual borrowing against collateral.
  • Example: An illustrative project demonstrating this concept can be viewed here.

Streaming Options

Superfluid also enables a novel approach to options trading, replacing upfront premium payments with continuous streaming payments.

  • Mechanism: An option seller receives a continuous stream of payments until the option is exercised by the buyer.
  • Application: This model is applicable to perpetual options, where the rights are maintained as long as the premium is streamed. For an example, see this streaming call option project.

On-Chain Tradeable Cashflow Assets

Tradeable cashflow assets in Superfluid involve using NFTs as pointers for money streams, enabling the transfer of future cashflows on-chain.

  • Functionality: The transfer of the NFT shifts the cashflow from the previous holder to the new one.
  • Example: This basic tradeable cashflow example showcases how money streams can be tokenized for on-chain trading.